
Showing posts from November, 2009


We recieved a question from a Youtube user and wanted to share our response as an educational prospecting tip! Hi , I've just purchased a Gold Bug Detector and have been enjoying your Videos and would like to ask a few questions . Noticed you use the small coil , do you use it all the time or just mainly in bedrock areas ? I will be detecting Bushland here in Victoria , old Aluvial sites . My detector came with the 3 coils so what would you recommend I use ? Any other tips on using the Gold Bug would be greatly appreciated . I have just ordered Zip Zip by Larry Sallee and also Advanced Nugget Hunting by Heydelaar and Johnson , they look like good books . Keep the Videos coming they are great , regards from Down Under. Is your detector an original Gold Bug, or the new Gold Bug 2? I use the 3" coil exclusively. Less tiring for searching the hillsides, and gets down in the tight areas of bedrock after we have prepared our dig. One tip I can give you is to use a board, 4' x...