Tee Shirt Weather Prospecting in January
Would you believe we are having very sunny weather here in Az. in January! This is our First Camping Trip this year out at the New Claim. We spent four days camping and prospecting, my wife and I. We had a surprise visit from our Daughter, Brandy and her Finance, Dewayne, and their children, Warren, Zoey and Alexis! We loved it that they came out to enjoy some time with each other around the campfire! Gold Mining is not as easy as it used to be. You have to dig down to Bedrock. We found some Bedrock partly exposed in the creek. We shoveled off the over burden of dirt and rocks and dug into the cracks of the bedrock. We found 1 half of a gram, total weight of gold pieces. Enjoy the photos! I still use the Original Gold Bug Detector! My wife is always ready to give me coffee or hand me a tool! Digging back two to three foot of soil and rocks! The creek bed in background showing our dig holes during our four day stay!...