
Showing posts from 2020

Covid-19 Family Endeavors Change

IT HAS BEEN A WHILE SINCE WE POSTED! 2020 HAS NOT BEEN A GREAT YEAR FOR ANY OF US DUE TO THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC. STAYING AT HOME HAS BROUGHT ABOUT A LOT OF CHANGES IN OUR ENDEAVORS. CINDY HAS COMPLETLY RETIRED FROM WORKING FOR OTHERS. SHE NOW HAS BECOME A FARMER! RAISING CHICKENS! HERE IS HER BIO! I grew up in the country, in Colorado. My mother raised chickens, pigs and calves given to her from a nearby feedlot. As a teenager, I remember those days of feeding the calves with the buckets that had nipples for their formula. I had a pet pig that was the runt of a litter. I called him, glut-glut. I easily got attached to animals less perfect. I married and we spent our honeymoon in Colorado, part of which was a visit with my mother at her country home. I remember waking up in the morning to roosters crowing, a hen talking in her broody talk, a squeal from a baby pig, geese alerts, and calves mooing to be fed! You see mom had a house with a side porch all along the side of house of which ...