One of my favorite things to work with is Meringue and one of the simpliest and decorative topping you can add to your dessert presentation!
MERINGUE BASKETS from Sweet Success Cookbook
The baskets can be filled with fresh fruit and cream. The meringue can be made into one large basket rather than smaller ones. Preparation and cooking time: 2-3 hours.
4 egg whites
1 cup granulated sugar
Line a large cookie sheet with waxed paper and brush lightly with oil.
Preheat oven at 200 degrees F.
Beat the egg whites until very stiff.
Add half the sugar and continue beating until whites hold peaks.
Fold in the remaining sugar.
Divide one-third of the mixture into 4 to 6 circles on the waxed paper.
Pipe the rest of the meringue around the edge of each circle to form the sides of each basket.
Bake for 2 - 3 hours until crisp and dry.
Meringue baskets can be stored up to one month in airtight containers.
Food Notes:
101 Tips Working With Meringue
1. Always use a chilled mixing bowl.
2. When you lift the beaters out of the meringue stiff peaks stand tall.
3. Add sugar, vanilla and cream of tartar when called for in recipe and very slowly.
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